The Cemetery to the South of the Church is known as Eagle Creek Cemetery and is owned and managed by Eagle Creek Religious Society. The Cemetery was established in 1846 and has been respectfully maintained since then.

Memorial Day

Our Veterans were recognized to remember, honor, and pay tribute to our nation's service members who gave the ultimate sacrifice. A lunch was provided for the service men that performed the ceremony at our cemetery. We thank them for their service.

honoring our service men and women on Memorial Day

Grave sites are available for purchase. Interested parties may contact any of the following Eagle Creek Board Members.

  • Mark Hartmann: (262)-210-0432

  • Bob Baltscheit: (630)-292-3272 Cell or (262)-332-7608 Home

Donations are graciously welcomed to help maintain our beautiful quaint cemetery grounds and English Settlement Church. Please contact any of the board members.

**Eagle Creek Religious Society also owns the English Settlement United Methodist Church.