Vacation Bible School 2024
We hosted a very successful and enjoyable VBS week for the children again this summer! We had 34 children participate!
VBS was held the week of July 8th - 12th from 9 a.m. - 12 Noon & July 14th VBS Kids have a presentation during our Church Service.
English Settlement UMC held an action-packed week of VBS! This year our CAMPING theme-based camp was filled with activities such as: outdoor games, Bible theater, music, crafts and healthy snacks. We conclude the week with a family friendly worship service on the final day of VBS featuring the Vacation Bible School children. After the service we host a lunch reception for everyone!
Sunday School & Adult Bible Study
Sunday School is offered every other Sunday from September to June at 9:00 am on Sundays and provides a consistent, structured, cumulative, age-appropriate education with a curriculum centered on Bible readings (stories for the younger kids) and application to life.
Because the curriculum builds on previous lessons, weekly attendance is encouraged in order that the children completely understand each lesson.
Adult Bible Study offers the best opportunity to delve into some stimulating discussions and make new friendships. Whether you're new to English Settlement or have been with us for years, you'll enjoy our Bible Study for adults. (Currently not offered at ESUMC)
This past July we sponsored 10 youth who attended the BOLD event!
Our youth spend three days in Daytona Beach, Fl at Youth 2023 with the theme “Being Ourselves Living Different” (BOLD). This event was a gathering of UMC youth from around the USA. Scheduled once every four years, youth from the UMC gather together for a great time. They were immersed in great music, worship, service and a ton of fun! Youth 2023 was held July 25-28.
Please click on Youth 2023 on the right to be taken to the website and check it out! YOUTH 2023 DAYTONA BEACH